Reborn Heer Song Cast
Reborn Heer song by Rajvir was released on Rajvir Jawanda Official channel on 9 July 2022. Reborn Heer song lyrics are written by Singh Jeet and music is given by G Guri. Here we have listed the Reborn Heer Punjabi Song cast & crew member’s name and the Female Actress Name. Below you can find the Reborn Heer Punjabi song girl model and other cast & crew member names.
Reborn Heer Song Starring
Rajvir Jawanda
Other Cast & Crew Members
Rajvir Jawanda
Singh Jeet
G Guri
Mix & Master
Sameer Charegaonkar
Video Director
Taranveer Singh [ AFILMBYX ]
Jimmy Zib
Manish Arora
Dop & Edit
Regan Dadu
Bhangra Group
Sonu Pardhan
Art Work
Ritesh Kumar
Obed Afridi
Aman Lotey
K Two Films
Still & Making
Raj Famous films
Sukhdarshan Singh
Makeup/ Hair
Jimmy Makeover
Publicity Designing
Roop Kamal Singh
Above are the names of Reborn Heer Song Cast & Crew Members. We have listed all cast & crew members names of Reborn Heer song including the girl model name. If you found any other missing information or if you want to request us for updating any new/old song cast names on Songscastpedia then please contact us.