Laut Aana Song Cast
Laut Aana song by Karan Aujla was released on DRJ Records Official channel on 7 September 2022. Laut Aana song lyrics are written by Karan Aujla and music is given by Avvy Sra. Here we have listed the Laut Aana Song cast & crew member’s name and the Female Actress Name. Below you can find the Laut Aana song girl model name and other cast & crew member names.
Laut Aana Song Starring
Karan Aujla
Tanu Grewal
Other Cast & Crew Members
Karan Aujla
Avvy Sra
Raj Jaiswal
Assistant Director
Akarsh Tiwana
Sukh kamboj
Line Producer
Aman Bassi
Project Conceived
Vivek Tuli & Nitin Gupta
Amanninder singh
Production house
Cyan Films
Above are the names of Laut Aana Song Cast & Crew Members. We have listed all cast & crew members names of Laut Aana song including the girl model name. If you found any other missing information or if you want to request us for updating any new/old song cast names on Songscastpedia then please contact us.