Kiss You Song Cast
Kiss You song by Tony Kakkar was released on his Official channel on 28 June 2022. Kiss You song lyrics are written by Tony Kakkar and music is also given by him. Here we have listed the Kiss You Song cast & crew members name and Kiss You Song Female Actress Name. Below you can find the Tony Kakkar Kiss You song girl model and other cast & crew member names.
Kiss You Starring
Tony Kakkar
Nidhhi Tapadiaa
Other Cast & Crew Members
Singer/Music/Lyrics/Mixed By
Tony Kakkar
Neha Kakkar
Produced By
Aakash Rijia, Tony Kakkar
Prathmesh Chaukekar, Prathmesh Parab
Directed By
Tony Kakkar, Sumit Kumar, Prathmesh Parab, Prathmesh Chaukekar
Assistant Director
Art Director
karma art studio
Shinda Singh
Hair Stylist
Rajan Passi
Jimmy Jib
Ercan kucuk
Sumit Kumar
RS Films & Production
Above are the names of Tony Kakkar new song Kiss You Cast & Crew Members. We have listed all cast & crew members names of Kiss You song including the girl model name. If you found any other missing information or if you want to request us for updating any new/old songs cast names on Songscastpedia then please contact us.