Ik Kahani Song Cast
Ik Kahani song by Gajendra Verma was released on T Series Official channel on 22 November 2017. Ik Kahani song lyrics are written by Gajendra Verma and also sung by him. Here we have listed the Ik Kahani Song cast & crew members name and Ik Kahani Female Actress Name. Below you can find the Ik Kahani song girl model and other cast & crew member names.
Ik Kahani Starring
Gajendra Verma
Other Cast & Crew Members
Gajendra Verma
Mix & Master
Ishan Naik
Sanjay Kukreja
Video by
Vikram Singh
Suman Dutta
Assistant Director
Mansi Moghe, Vishal Yoman, Rohan Shah
Virtual Planet Production
Vikrant Studios (Nirmal Sharma)
Surubhi sharma, Prasoon sharma
Makeup & Hair
Aanchal Khanna
Kalpanik Films
Camera Team
Vikas Jaiswal, Avishekh Patel
Aditya Pandey
Focus Puller
Ramu Karri
Line Production
Destination Siam, Thailand
Above are the names of Ik Kahani Song Cast & Crew Members. We have listed all cast & crew members names of Ik Kahani song including the girl model name. If you found any other missing information or if you want to request us for updating any new/old song cast names on Songscastpedia then please contact us.