Gupp Marda Song Cast
Gupp Marda Song Cast and Crew Members names are here. This song was released on 21 August 2020 on the Speed Records Youtube Channel. Gupp Marda song lyrics are written by Matt Sheron Wala and sung by Kulwinder Billa & Gurlej Akhtar. Below you can find the complete list of Gupp Marda Song Cast, female model, and other crew member names.
Raveent Singh
Other Cast & Crew Members
Directed By
Co Director
Mix Master
B Sanj
Matt Sheron Wala
Yadwinder Jassar, Hardeep Maan
Online Promotion
Gold Media
Above are the name of the cast and crew members of Gupp Marda Song. You can find many other song cast and crew member names on Songscastpedia.