Zaroori Song Cast
Akhil’s Latest Punjabi Song “Zaroori” was released on White Hill Music Official YouTube channel on 24th July 2023. Zaroori is a romantic song. Zaroori Song written by Maninder Kailey and music given by Bob.
Here we have listed the Zaroori Song cast & crew member’s name and the Female Actress Name. Below you can find the Zaroori Punjabi song girl model name and other cast & crew member names.
Zaroori Song Starring
Singer Akhil | |
Female Artist Ebrar Konyali |
Other Cast & Crew Members
Lyrics Maninder Kailey | |
Music BOB | |
Director Rohit Negah | |
AD Harsukhdeep Singh (Savvy Singh) | |
Producer Gunbir Singh Sidhu | |
Producer Manmord Singh Sidhu |
Edit | Gobindpuriya |
Stylist | Tanya Batra |
Akhil’s Hair | Ali Khan |
Grader | Vlada |
MUA | Meral Kaftanci |
Hair | Ziya Dogan |
Extras | Ataks Ajans |
Hot Air Balloon | Turquaz |
Restaurant | Fava Alaçati |
Online Promotions | HOT (Hub Of Talent) |
Above are the names of Zaroori Song Cast & Crew Members. We have listed all cast & crew members names of Zaroori song including the girl model name.
If you found any other missing information or if you want to request us for updating any new/old song cast names on Songscastpedia then please contact us.